Expeditions Exhibition

  • October 25, 2019

Throughout the school year, our students take part in many engaging “expeditions” as part of the Expeditionary Learning curriculum used in our full-day school. An “expedition” is a unit of study involving research, group work, community outings, and a final presentation. In culmination of all their hard work throughout

Ancient Civilizations Expedition

  • July 21, 2019

In Expeditionary Learning, expeditions are built around an academic topic. The Ancient Civilizations expedition served as an opportunity for our 7th grade students to learn about the roots of our shared humanity. Beginning in the classroom, students divided into small groups to research ancient civilizations around the world. Tasked

VIDEO: Learning Outside the Classroom

  • December 28, 2018

Expeditions are a key part of Expeditionary Learning, which is the guiding methodology of our full-day school at Safe Passage. Expeditions are educational journeys that take place in and out of the classroom, involving research, group work, community outings, and final presentations. This past year, our students ventured beyond