First Day of School

  • January 9, 2023

First Day of School 2023 This is the first week of the 2023 school year and the first time back in full capacity since before the pandemic! To say teachers, students, and staff are thrilled would be an understatement.  Previous Next

Stories from our Staff

  • December 28, 2022

As we close out the end of 2022, we’ve been sharing stories from some of our staff in Guatemala.  Listen below to the interviews as Hellen, Gonzalo, Alejandra, Rubi, and Douglas tell you directly how this year has been, and how your impact has affected them. Thank you for being

Giving Tuesday 2022 Recap

  • December 1, 2022

Thank you for watching and sharing our student stories this Giving Tuesday. We are so grateful to report that you collectively helped to raise $15,186 on Giving Tuesday!  We’re happy to be able to share with you stories directly from our students as they talk about how the pandemic

Poem about the dump

  • December 14, 2018

After taking a tour of Safe Passage in November with her high school, a student named Jenny wrote a poem about her experience. DUMP “Dump.” Upon hearing this word, what comes to your mind? Gradually decaying materials that are uncompostable to the soil? A source of pollution and breeding