What is GivingTuesday?

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement, a special day of giving back to help transform the world for good.

This year GivingTuesday is on December 3, 2019. Safe Passage is participating by launching a special campaign to raise $20,000 to furnish our new middle school classrooms.

What is our GivingTuesday goal?

This GivingTuesday, our goal is $20K for 2020.

20 years ago, Hanley Denning founded Safe Passage as a reinforcement program for 40 children in an old church. Over the last two decades and with the help of our supporters, Safe Passage has grown into a thriving, full-day school serving more than 500 students.

In January 2020, as part of our expansion, we will be opening our first, full-day 8th grade, serving two classrooms of 20 students each – and we need YOUR help!

Why is it important to invest in these 8th grade classrooms?

In Guatemala, school attendance, performance, and dropout rates climb sharply in the middle school years, particularly for youth from disadvantaged and impoverished families. Major factors contributing to this include: family pressure to work; peer pressure such as joining gangs and teen pregnancy; and increased costs of formal schooling and an unmotivating, half-day school setting

Safe Passage’s full-day school and use of Expeditionary Learning – proven to help youth from low-income, at-risk environments – responds to these significant pressures on our middle school students.

Your investment in these 2 new 8th grade classroom will provide a stable environment, fully equipped to provide a rigorous and motivating curriculum for our new 8th grade students.

How can I help?

1. Donate!

Help us reach our goal of $20,000 for our two new 8th grade classrooms. Imagine what your contribution can do…

$25 is equal to providing two new text books for the classroom

$500 is equal to providing one new laptop for students

$1,000 is equal to providing one year of supplies, including backpacks, pencils, and notebooks, for one classroom of students

Any gift will make a difference, so please give a gift today! Simply use the form at the bottom of this page or follow this link. Thank you!

2. Share the word with family and friends!

Since GivingTuesday is about harnessing the power of community to do good in the world, forward our GivingTuesday emails, share our Facebook posts, and send this page to anyone who wants to make a difference in Guatemala City!


3. DOUBLE your impact!

Thanks to several generous donors who created a special match, all new and increased gifts this fall will be doubled!

This means if you’ve never given to Safe Passage before, your gift will be doubled! And if you’re already giving as a Hanley’s Helper or Student Sponsor, any extra gift will be doubled. Or if you increase your annual donation from last year, that increase will be matched. Find out more here!